Audex Catalogue
Your complete guide to the Audex range, featuring AW, AW Pro and AS pumps, curves, Pontoons and related Audex products.
Audex Catalogue – German Edition
The German edition of the Audex brochure, featuring AW, AW Pro and AS pumps, curves, Pontoons and related Audex products.
Audex AW Pro Range
An overview of the AW Pro range including essential pump curves and a look at the features and benefits of the Intelligent Control System.
Audex AW Range
An overview of the Audex AW range including essential pump curves.
Audex AS Range
An overview of the Audex AS range including essential pump curve.
Audex AS Series Manual
An essential accompaniment to all Audex AS Series pumps. Sections featured: Warnings and Safety, Prior to Use, Installation Considerations, Installation Preparation, Installation Electrical, Installation Testing, Maintenance Routine, Maintenance Parts Diagrams, Maintenance Disassembly, Maintenance Assembly, Storage, Troubleshooting, Data Tables.
Case study
Audex AW 3-400
Long-lasting Audex pump radically transforms conveyor pit cleaning for Tarmac site
Case Study
Audex AW 4-600
Wash plant pit transformed thanks to the introduction of an Audex AW 4-600
Case Study
Audex Discharge Unit
Innovative device launched to monitor site discharge
Case Study
Audex Pontoons
Audex manufacturers Atlantic Pumps are always looking to save clients’ money and energy and this was superbly demonstrated when they produced two pontoons for a quarry in southern Scotland.